It was taken by Me, on the left side was my sister, on the middle was my best friend, on the left side was my brother. Why I chose this photo, because it was my best friend last day in Gold Coast. He is working in Canberra now, but we still keep in touch.
P.S: My sister also in Taiwan now, she went back last Thursday. So sad.
Nowadays, Mp3 player has become very popular in the world because of the special feature and size. The most attractive fact is the size of the Mp3 player; peoples can put it in the packet or hung it on the neck and it’s very easy to carry out to anywhere, why I chose this one, of course is PINK.
At the same day we went to the beach, as you can see that it was a beautiful day. Many people were playing on the beach, they wore swimming suit but only us wore a lots of clothes. Looks very hot, right
Is Me,I asked my friend Tommy to took photo for me. Actually I want to took photo in the Japanese classroom but we didn't have break time so we only can took photo in the outside
Why this news attract me, I have learnt from news that we should concerned about people who live in a poor country.
I found a unconventional photo from Yahoo image, I looked for while until I found one website the title is laptop and than I click that photo which so funny. I think this person feel really heavy and don’t want to have this laptop anymore. Ha Ha